Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Following are some O.J. "Tales" that I would like to share with you all.


Each year at Christmas, O.J. Mr. V., and Mr. Clements would go downtown Indianapolis to "shop" for the wives' gifts. I guess before the shopping began they would always have a "few" drinks. Well, each year the gifts were very interesting the wives never knew what to expect for Christmas. Some of the gifts were VERY nice and some were VERY dumb.


The Brown County Open was held at Brown County Country Club and O.J. and "the guys" participated every year. One year, the Brown County Country Club decided to make some improvements and they put in a new swimming pool and fixed things up very nice. They planned a Grand Opening with festivities on Saturday before the Brown County Open that year. O.J. and "the guys" decided it would be a good idea to go down to the Club the night before, climbed the fence, went swimming in the new pool and just generally made a mess of things. O.J. and "the guys" were never invited back to the Brown County Open again. He was "persona non grade" at the Club from then on.

BUT that didn't stop him. He and "the guys" continued their own yearly golf tournament each year, still calling it "The Brown County Open" no matter the location of the golf course.


O.J. has a terrible fear of chickens and birds. One year around graduation time, a student brought in 2 chickens to school in a gym bag. Just as the student was about to open the gym bag and release the chickens in the hall (Dr. George Frampton, Assistant Principal at the time) came around the corner and saw what was about to happen. So, the chickens were placed still in the gym bag in George Frampton's office. Jerry Dunn (Principal at that time) knew very well that O.J. was scared to death of the things and opened the gym bag, let the chickens out, left them in George's office and closed the door. The chickens caused quite a racket and flopped and flew around. Whenever they would settle down, Jerry would go by the door and beat on it and liven things up a big. O.J. was VERY uncomfortable and upset the with whole thing. Seems no one knew (or would) get the chickens of the Main Office or what to do with them other than torturing O.J. and pulling their own prank on O.J.


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